Hidden Veggie

    Pennsylvania Dutch Hidden Veggie Pasta is the delicious way to add the goodness of vegetables to your favorite pasta dishes by ‘hiding’ them in plain sight. Made with a blend of carrot, sweet corn, and squash, Hidden Veggie Pasta has one full serving of vegetables in every 4-ounce portion and has the same great taste, texture, and color you’ve come to trust from Pennsylvania Dutch. Add veggies to your family’s pasta night without anyone even noticing!
Whole-Grain-Wide-Ribbons Yolk Free Noodles

Yolk Free Homestyle Ribbons

Available Sizes:

12 oz

Yoke-Free-Wide-Ribbons-scaled-1024x597 Yolk Free Noodles

Yolk Free Wide Pasta Ribbons

Available Sizes:

12 oz